Foreign investors consider Germany as one of the safest investment locations in the world

With it’s high number of large investment markets and prospering regional centres, Germany is right at the top of the list as a legally secure and economically stable investment location for global real estate investors. In 2017, the investment volume of foreign investors in German real estate rose by 19 percent to more than EUR 28.2 billion.
The increasing geopolitical uncertainties in many regions of the world support this trend. Munich and Upper Bavaria (Oberbayern) benefit particularly from this and they are considered one of Germany’s most popular investment locations. Investment properties amounting to over six billion euros were sold in Munich in 2017. The share of foreign investors was approximately 36 percent. These investors come mainly from Europe, USA, UK and Asia.
safe According to Zinshaus Oberbayern, market access should not only be open to very large institutional investors but also to family-managed asset managers. Therefore, Zinshaus Oberbayern not only supports you in the search or sale of investment real estate in the region of Upper Bavaria, but also gladly establishes contact with efficient law firms, internationally experienced tax firms or technical consultants for the purchase examination.
In order to make it easier for foreign investors to access this attractive region, there is now the English-language landing page. Please visit the homepage at: Another version in Russian is being planned.
Zinshaus Oberbayern GmbH, your broker for investent properties in Upper Bavaria.